

My name is Tony, I am a software developer and a curious human.
I have done freelance, founded a web agency and helped to scale a startup.
I am from Portugal and live in the sunny South.


About me, I take life with an open mind, trying to keep moving forward and to take something from every experience.

I believe that empathy and humor are powerful tools. Nobody is perfect and certainly not me, but I think that strong and mindful connections between humans can lead to great achievements.

I have graduated in Computer Science at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and my main professional activity is software development. I'm specially interested in building stuff with great people, but I'm forever curious person and eager to learn all kind of subjects.

I also studied arts in highschool which I believe it helped me develop my creative thinking.

I lived most of my life in Portugal, in Algarve and Lisbon, and have travelled to numerous countries.
At the moment I'm interested in remote working and (slow) travel.


Currently having fun at Omnibees, a product for hotels and other partners in tourism and hospitality, distributed in the form of SaaS and market leader in Latin America. The company has grown from 5 to nearly 400 people in 8 years.
I'm one of the architects and lead of the development team and a founding member. I'm a strong enthusiast of an agile, people centric and inspiring culture and even blog about it.
We deal with hundreds of millions of transactions per day and the technology involved cuts across several areas like large scale front-end, api integrations, scalability and high availability in microservices and databases and so on. Everything we do we have service speed and cost performance in mind.
On a daily basis challenges arise, requiring a constant learning and self-overcoming.

Previous experience


I like to spend time with wife, family and friends, I have pets and small garden with some herbs and fruits. I also enjoy fun and meaningful conversations, exchanging experiences, concerts, museums, walking (city or nature).

My hobbies vary over time, but overall I like to read and learn stuff, I try to be physically active with gym, run, walks, tennis, among others. Other hobby is astronomy, you can find me looking to the Universe in the clean nights while drinking a glass of wine.
I happen to be one of those lucky guys that love what they do for a living so it's kinda natural that some of my hobbies are related to software development and occasionally I blog about it.

Last but not least I like pick the backpack with friends and go around our beautiful blue dot. I'm curious about slow travel, remote working and volunteering.


Spearmint. For the Mojitos :)


I heard internet like cats, here is Kitty doing yoga

Reach me